Success stories

Vision guided deburring of welded seams

VisDeburr demonstration will illustrate the power of visual-guided deburring: measuring the location and size of the welding seams which remarkably improves the quality of grinding and makes it much more flexible.


AI & Cloud enabled vision system for agile teach-in of assembly processes

The SpinEye project incorporates a human-robotic collaboration, premised on AI vision-system, which detects screw positions, provides Cloud inrastructure for training, monitoring and enhancement of the detection model.


Mobile, flexible robotic welding system to reshape the European shipbuilding industry

SHIPWELD project has developed a robot programming system utilising a HTC Vive tracker as a user interaction wand. Preliminary welding tests with good results have been completed so far.


Worker-centric programming tools for free designing of lightweight aluminium-based products

With the use of the "Dummy Tools" method, collaborative robots will perform the heaviest welding activities, thus preventing welding workers from exposing themselves to unnecessary risks, increasing aluminium capacity prod...


Local demonstrations of predictable bin picking

With SHAFTS, we demonstrate to shaft and axle manufacturers that bin picking cells are today reliable and that the installation time is limited (< one week). We do this by organizing local events for interested customers w...


Robotized inspection system for high-temperature electric arc furnaces (EAF)

The purpose of the Robs4Steel demonstrator is to robotise the visual inspection in the refractory of the furnace after every tapping of liquid steel. This will allow operators to guide the robot around the furnace refracto...


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