Robot vision-based object grasping

Main functionalities

Object grasping from RGB images with the object and target detection tool, executed by a collaborative robot (Franka Emika).

Technical specifications

Object grasping from RGB images with the object and target detection tool, executed by a collaborative robot (Franka Emika).

Inputs and outputs

The annotated image stream can be inspected using rqt_image_view or rviz (select one of the topics /opendr/image_grasp_pose_annotated or /opendr/image_mask_annotated) or rostopic echo /opendr/object_detected This node also publishes a VisionInfo message in /opendr/object_catagories containing the name of a ROS parameter on the server where can be found the correspondance between class ids and class names.

Formats and standards

Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

ROS1: OpenDR v2.0,  pytorch 1.9, ros-noetic-moveit, ros-noetic-libfranka, Python 3.8
ROS2: OpenDR v2.0, pytorch 1.9, ros-foxy-moveit, ros-foxy-libfranka, Python 3.8

All dependencies will be installed with the OpenDR toolkit and/or installation instructions are provided

Training material


Owner (organization)


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