ODIN Digital twin protection framework and threat analysis toolkit

Main functionalities

Prototype for a tailor-made cybersecurity solution, including the process and methodology for threat modelling and a cybersecurity toolkit with two main modules for incident detection and incident response.

Protecting a complex interconnected environment, such as industrial robotic, can be a difficult process to organize, due to its growing attack surface. Therefore, it is needed to divide the process in steps: threat modelling, detection and response, while having the appropriate tooling for achieving it, is crucial.

Adapting the detection and response features to a networked component (OpenFlow) and ROS environments. The use of the emulation mode of OpenFlow provides the digital twin of the networked component. Over this emulated scenario, the cybersecurity system is deployed, and several cybersecurity exploits and tests will be performed without affecting the actual deployment.

Technical specifications



Owner (organization)

ODIN Project Coordinator
Dr. Sotiris Makris
Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation (LMS),
University of Patras
Tel: +30-2610-910160
Fax: + +30-2610-997314
e-Mail: makris@lms.mech.upatras.gr

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