Robotic solution for accurate grinding of complex metal parts

Name of demonstration

Robotic solution for accurate grinding of complex metal parts.

Main objective

The main objective is to provide a robotic solution for grinding complex metal parts, integrating all the technological features in a single turn-key solution and a companion software with embedded compliant grinding tool physics to simulate the ground surface to minimize robot programming time for each new part.

Short description

The robotic solution includes a controller to guarantee homogeneous material removal along the part compensating tool wear for accurate grinding, increased productivity with automatic collision-free tool changing and continuous robot and process monitoring for production traceability. It is included a companion software with embedded compliant grinding tool physics to simulate the ground surface to minimize robot programming time for each new part and prevent the current situation of part scrapping during trial and error validation of the grinding trajectories.

Owner of the demonstrator


Responsible person

R&D Manager

Ibai Inziarte



Robotics, Process Control, Grinding, Finishing, CAM Simulation.

Benefits for the users

Automation of a grinding process: the grinding process of complex metal parts is usually done by skilled operators. This is a tedious and dangerous tasks, but complex to robotize. This complete solution demonstrates the viability of the combination of robotics and ICT in order to create a robot that will be able to perform the grinding of complex metal parts. Process control: grinding processes does not control the tool wear and the variable material removal rate. This solution incorporates a robot feed controller based on the corresponding tool wear model in order to guarantee a continuous material removal rate during the whole grinding process. Scrap part reduction: The grinding simulation software combines the real grinding belt geometry, physics of the pneumatic compliant tools, and inputs from the robot’s material removal model to predict removed material based on the contact surface at each point. This simulation software provides an accurate simulation that reflects the real grinding operation, allowing a the trajectory optimization capability without trial and error tests.


– Continuous material removal control: current grinding robots do not incorporate any tool wear control. This solution includes a robot feed controller based on the corresponding tool wear model in order to guarantee a continuous material removal rate during the whole grinding process. – Centralised full grinding process manager to allow the operator to configure process parameters such as the final material quantity to be removed and types of abrasives to be used.

– Cloud based process monitoring system: market solutions only offer cloud monitoring of robot parameters, but this demonstration also allows the monitoring of process parameters for productivity traceability.

– An innovative ground surface simulation software that considers the real tool geometry and physics.

Risks and limitations

Part complexity: A complex metal part refers to those with significant curvatures, require long grinding processes and have to fulfil strict geometry tolerances. Due to the current abrasive type used by the robotic solution, surfaces with very complex geometries, with multiple curvatures in different directions, are difficult or even unable to process. Additionally, if the geometry has significant tolerances (>1mm), the compliant effect of the tool might not able to absorb the deviation, producing unwanted marks.

Technology readiness level

6 - Safety approved sensors and systems are commercially available

Sectors of application

Metal part manufacturing companies: companies that have manual grinding processes and want to robotize the process or improve part accuracy..

Patents / Licenses / Copyrights
Hardware / Software


Industrial robot



CAM Software


ARGRIND is an advanced robotic solution for accurate grinding of complex metal parts. ARGRIND robot includes a controller to guarantee homogeneous material removal along the part compensating tool wear for accurate grinding, increased productivity with automatic collision-free tool changing and continuous robot and process monitoring for production traceability. ARGRIND solution includes a companion software with embedded compliant grinding tool physics to simulate the ground surface to minimize robot programming time for each new part and prevent the current situation of part scrapping during trial and error validation of the grinding trajectories.

Executive video

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