BRILLIANT Demonstrator on KITT4SME Report
2022 10 24
We are happy to update you on the deployment of a collaborative solution for flexible artisanal manufacturing by our demonstrator BRILLIANT in the KITT4SME Report 2022 on collaborative robotics (cobots). This report was conducted together in the collaboration with the TRINITY Robotics project and the activities performed within the BRILLIANT demonstrator (2nd TRINITY Demonstration Programme).
The report reflects upon a summary of the survey results, a list of recommendations for the adoption of collaborative robotics, and a thorough description of the activities carried out to create the BRILLIANT’s collaborative robotics work cell, developed together with Holonix. Within the scope of BRILLIANT, the Sustainable Production Systems (SPS) Lab is establishing two different collaborative work cells to combine workers’ flexibility and cobots’ repeatability. In other words, collaborative robots are fully designed and developed to collaborate with humans.
The objective is to create intelligent, coordinated, and adaptable work cells that reduce hurdles for collaborative solutions for SMEs. The BRILLIANT work cell has been finally completed at Ideal-tek, a Swiss company producing precision tweezers, pliers, and instruments, which is now in charge of the alignment, welding, grinding, and polishing of tweezer blades.
To have more information about the project, you can simply click on KITT4SME report 2022.
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