ODIN AR Suite for collaborative assembly operations
Main functionalities
This AR suite provides information to the operators, tasks’ execution, safety purposes and robot controlling. Through the main menu of the AR application, the operators can configure the application based on their needs to visualize the most important information based on their expertise and personal preferences.
The AR application consists of several features assisting human operators in a multi-pillar way in terms of:
- Assembly guidance provision,
- Controlling of mobile and static robots,
- Interaction with robot gripping tools,
- Production system security breach notifications provision,
- Assembled products quality inspection results provision,
- Resilience of the production system in case of unexpected events,
- Safety awareness for the operators,
- Production schedule hologram-based visualization.
Technical specifications
In addition to mentioned features, a connection between the AI-based decision making module and the AR application of ODIN has been accomplished. The operators equipped with the AR headset are able to check the production schedule generated by the AI Task Planner inside the virtual world of the AR application. Some of the supported features are:

ODIN AR suite is a reconfigurable operator support application able to visualize different data and information to the user based on type of the manufacturing process but also operator’s opinion. This application will provide important information to the user such as a) Assembly instructions based on AI task planner results, b) Robot’s upcoming trajectory, c) System’s information in case of failures and guidance for system’s recovery, d) Security information in case of network breach and e) quality inspection results but also robot controlling functionalities.
Owner (organization)
ODIN Project Coordinator
Dr. Sotiris Makris
Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation (LMS),
University of Patras
Tel: +30-2610-910160
Fax: + +30-2610-997314
e-Mail: makris@lms.mech.upatras.gr