Queued Message Handler Software Architecture

Queued Message Handler Software Architecture

Main functionalities

The main functionality of the module is to organize the whole software in separate tasks (modules) and execute them in parallel at different execution rates.
This module is the interface between the end-user and other parts of the software. An end-user can operate the software through a user interface.
The QMH template is useful for applications where multiple tasks occur in parallel, often at different execution rates, but the application requires a responsive user interface; that is, users should be able to click buttons even while the application is executing another command.
The demonstration is available both for internal and for external use.

Technical specifications

The implemented Queued Message Handler is based on the Queued Message Handler Template software architecture, and it is custom-tailored for the Use Case demonstration. The complete software is made with National Instruments LabVIEW™ graphical programming language.
The QMH template facilitates multiple sections of code running in parallel and sending data between them. Each section of code represents a task, for example, acquiring, or processing data. Each task is designed similarly to a state machine. Because of this design, each task can be divided into states.
The QMH template is a version of the Producer/Consumer design pattern, where the user interface (producer) produces messages and the tasks (consumers) consume them.

Figure Overview of the Queued Message Handler software architecture

The software can be used with any computer that complies with the LabVIEW™ system requirements .
The demonstration in the prototype phase is already available in source code and as a standalone desktop application by contacting the authors of this description.
The software for the use case demonstration itself is free of charge, but if used as a source code, the LabVIEW™ software is to be purchased. If used as a standalone desktop application, no further purchase is required.

Inputs and outputs

No inputs and outputs are required.

Formats and standards

QMH design pattern was used as a standard.

Owner (organization)

Budapest University of Technology and Economics


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Queued Message Handler (QMH) software architecture

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