ICRA 2020 Workshop: Novel Robot Technologies for Agile Manufacturing
Palais des congrès de Paris, Room 251 (Paris, France)
8 hours
Important note!
Due to the cancellation of ICRA 2020 in-person, our organised workshop ‘Novel robot technologies for agile manufacturing’ to be held on 31st May is also cancelled.
We will seek other forums for networking and dissemination of TRINITY results as soon as possible, and communicate these on our news page: https://trinityrobotics.eu/news/
Enabling Novel Technologies to Meet Industrial Requirements of the End Users
The robotics community has provided many ideas to help manufacturing end users to improve their production systems and enable more agility. Technologies that can help setting up advanced production processes, e.g. programming by demonstration, mobile robots, collaborative robots, passive reconfigurable fixtures and tools, etc., are some of the great examples of supportive ideas from academia. However, these novel technologies still have not been accepted by industry to a sufficient extent to fulfil modern agile manufacturing needs. To bridge the gap from research to industrial usage, additional tools are needed, such as safety standards and new interaction modalities. The main topics of this workshop will be how different approaches could be integrated to realize the dream of agile manufacturing.
The workshop will consist of invited talks by top robotics researchers and practitioners with emphasis on the integration of new advanced robot technologies to support the implementation of agile manufacturing cells for small batch size production.
An interactive session focusing on example agile production cells that have already been implemented in industrial settings will be part of the program. To summarize the results of the workshop and propose new directions, a round table will be held at the end of the event.
Organizing committee
- Roel Pieters, Tampere University
- Aleš Ude, Jožef Stefan Institute
- Kathleen Delang, Fraunhofer IWU
- Mohamad Bdiwi, Fraunhofer IWU
- Marcel Todtermuschke, Fraunhofer IWU
- Ali Bin Junaid, Flanders MAKE
- Asad Tirmizi, Flanders MAKE
Support from IEEE RAS Technical Committee
The workshop is supported by the European project TRINITY