ERF2022 – Remote Education of Industrial Robots

  • Location

    Rotterdam, Netherlands

  • Duration

    1 day

The ERF22 constitutes one of the most preeminent conferences that bring together researchers, engineers, academics, entrepreneurs, investors and policy-makers from all over Europe to discourse market pull, as well as breakthroughs in robotics and artificial intelligence.

Our partners Centria University of Applied Sciences, UiT Narvik and LMS Patras will showcase the Interactive Remote Education of Smart Industrial Robots workshop, portraying the training environment for robots and machines using the digital twins. This workshop presents a real-time teleoperation platform which enables flexible programming and controlling of industrial robots and conveyors.

In the same vein, this workshop will also share interactive Human-Robot Collaboration in European industries and the positive results of using Virtual Reality technologies for workforce training.

There will be promotional material to discover more about the role of Trinity as a DIH and the demonstrations, which are currently implementing their innovative solution in Room 1  from 15.50 till 17.10.

All interested companies involved in Trinity demonstration programs are welcome to visit the Forum, follow our workshop and share their experience!

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