CyberSecurity for Robotics Conference
Online Event - Zoom link provided upon registration
4 hours
Reserve your spot today for the ‘CyberSecurity for Robotics conference’ taking place next Thursday and Friday afternoon, December 17th and 18th from 2 pm CET.
CSfR CyberSecurity for Robotics aims to bring together stakeholders from multiple areas jointly trying to raise the level of CyberSecurity in robots and robotics.
Started in Bilbao in 2019, the content of the Conference focuses on robot manufacturers and machine builders; industrial manufacturing, healthcare, logistics, defense, automotive among others; end-users; system integrators and developers; operators and business owners and facilities and security managers personas. Our focus is on security challenges related to known and unknown vulnerabilities, hardening existing systems, identifying specific challenges related to robotics systems such as the security and safety challenges, the high-speed data requirements, cybersecurity of realtime operations, and many more.
In this edition, the conference will address industrial cybersecurity standardization, up-and-coming approaches for a shared responsibility model, current challenges in relation to cybersecurity and safety, and approaches to improve cybersecurity including the ways AI and autonomous systems can be tricked.
Some highlights that will be discussed during the Conference:
Overview of industrial robot landscape in the EU and US
Developments of IEC62443, industrial cybersecurity standard
Results from researching attacks on robots, autonomous vehicles, and adversarial AI & ML
Insights in key security approaches for cybersecurity
S-ROS and cybersecurity in ROS
Attendance is free, registration is mandatory. Upon registration, you will receive a link to the Zoom webinar for both December 17th and December 18th.
CSfR is being organized on the sidelines of the TRINITY, Connected Factories, and 3if.eu activities of LSEC in collaboration with Joanneum Research, Mass Robotics and Alias Robotics. TRINITY partners, open call participants, project coordinators, and other stakeholders are welcomed to join in and be informed about cybersecurity and privacy developments and challenges, relevant to their own developments. Don’t be afraid to ask whether you should trust the robot systems.
For more information about the program and registration, please visit : https://cybersecurityforrobotics.com/conference-csfr2020/
Looking forward to meeting you there.
The TRINITY Cybersecurity Team