TRINITY Innovation Network – steps forward, ERF2024
Rimini, Italy
80 min
TRINITY – Robotics, IIoT and Cybersecurity – Innovation Network invites you to share your views on how we can support the R&D activities of European stakeholders? What are the best ways to improve the agility in manufacturing.
Join our workshop to discuss on research topics supporting agile manufacturing. Join our round table discussions to contribute. Join TRINITY Innovation Network and help us develop a community supporting the European manufacturing SMEs and stakeholders.
Structure of the workshop
Well start with introduction to TRINITY Innovation Network and the follow up activities that have been continuing to develop the robotics technologies and strengthen the network.
After introductions the audience will be split into smaller discussion groups. Discussion is initiated by online Miroboard/Mural on topics related to innovation networks and emerging technologies needed to enable agile manufacturing. Each discussion group will answer minimum two questions.
Main findings and the key points of the group discussions will be presented in the end and made available to larger audience in a form of a WS report. Results will contribute towards the sustainability plan of the network.
TRINITY Innovation Network news
- TRINITY Innovation Network updates, Prof. Minna Lanz, Tampere University
- DIGITOP – Digital transformation of robot-supported factories of the future, Dr. Miha Deniša, Josef Stefan Institute
- EARASHI – Embodied AI/Robotics Applications for a Safe Human-oriented Industry, Isabelle Dor, CEA-Leti
- JARVIS – Intersubjective AI-driven multimodal interaction for advanced user-centric human robot collaborative applications, Mr. Nikos Dimitropoulos
- ODIN – Open-Digital-Industrial and Networking pilot lines using modular components for scalable production, Dr. Apostolis Papavasileiou
- MOTE – Continuing the TRINTY mission trough Digital Accelerator of Latvia (DAoL) and MOTE, Peteris Racinskis, EDI
Interactive network development session
Join the discussion to contribute to sustainability of the TRINITY Innovation Network
- What can we do as a network to support EU projects?
- What can projects do to support the growth of the network?
- Most interesting new technologies for agile manufacturing?
- What is still missing from SME point of view?
- Most important new technologies to develop?
- What are the most important activities and services TRINITY Innovation Network should maintain and develop further? How do we make it sustainable?
Besides the network meeting on March 13th 8:00, partners will also organize several technical workshops:
- 11th Hybrid Production Systems workshop
- Cybersecurity in Robotics
- Adaptive robotics for recycling of electronic devices
- Facing the new era of transportation